Thursday, September 30, 2010


Teenagers are an amusing breed. We don't have many staying at my hotel, because we have a strict 21 and over policy, but they do come along occasionally. Usually with their parents. Or is this case, as part of a school volleyball/lacrosse/field hockey team (it was a team, okay? I didn't care enough to ask what they played).

Fifteen minutes after checking them into their four rooms, I get a call from 317.

"Guest Services."
"Do you guys have, umm, MTV here?"

I immediately look for my channel guide. After various inquiries from guests, and numerous complaints from me, my manager finally gave me a channel guide that I taped to the front desk. Because, believe it or not, I don't spend every hour of my day watching TV in the rooms and therefore am not that familiar with them. Though from the questions I get, guests seem to believe I do. My guide is not there. I found out later than one of the night guys gave it to a guest. Apparently, he didn't feel like replacing it.

In the absence of my channel guide, I tell the guest that there's a channel guide in the hotel's information binder, and "if we have MTV, it will be listed there."
"I already checked the guide. It didn't have it. And then I looked through all the channels and didn't see it."
My natural response to this idiocy is to say "then we don't have it". If you've checked both the guide and the TV, and you can't find a channel, the odds are pretty good that IT'S NOT THERE. But recognizing that this would not be the most customer-friendly response, I am silent while I grapple for a good response. Finally, I say, "then it's not available."
"Oh. Okay." She hangs up.


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